The new LDS Store even has a section of study aids to help you along in your study process. Even better, everything from the LDS store ships free.
One of my favorites I have discovered over the last year or so is the Made Easier Series by David J. Ridges. I bought The Book of Mormon Made Easier Part 1 and loved it so much that I added Book of Mormon Made Easier Part 2
The guide comes with the text of The Book of Mormon in it, and additional notes along with the written scripture. It is not over my head, but I find that it helps me think a bit deeper or in a different way. It also reminds me of who's who in The Book of Mormon, which is nice. You can also find similar guides from Brother Ridges about The New Testament, The Old Testament, Doctrine and Covenants and a few others.
After a bit of web searching, it looks like Amazon has the best prices right now for this study guide.
What about you mamas? Have you found any helpful guides as you study the scriptures? Are there any particular aids that have enhanced your study of the scriptures?
I have those books and love the insights in them too. What I've really enjoyed lately is reading blog. She's a seminary teacher and she posts all sorts of great stuff on her blog. My favorite being about scripture journals and book of mormon page titles.
Great suggestion, I think I will have to get these for our scripture studies!
Might sound a little silly but, I like reading the picture Book of Mormon to my little one, and it helps me keep things straight in a simple kind of way, nothing deep but just clear.
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